Augustus and Peter Porter

…river. This power plant became a tourist attraction. It operated a flour mill for 2 years before the company went bankrupt and all its assets were sold at public auction.

The Clifton Hotel History

…a Union ticket office and a general information bureau. It contained parlours and writing rooms. The hotel had a spacious ballroom. The Palm room was furnished with dainty chairs and

Charles Stephens

…with no police interference, Leach, Hill Sr. and a small fanfare looked on in amazement and horror at 8:15am. Stephens left from Snyder’s point located about 5 km upstream from…

Ontario Hydro & Sir Adam Beck

and one Canadian company for power generation at Niagara Falls. The Niagara Parks Commission had agreed not to generate hydro power. During the Ontario Provincial election of 1905, the main…

Schoellkopf Power Plant

…fourth Canal Company. In 1879, Schoellkopf started the Schoellkopf Chemical and Dye Company for his two sons named Jacob and Hugo. Schoellkopf found new customers for his powerhouse and soon

Floral Clock

…amplified to a maximum of 100 watts. Designs for the face of this clock are changed yearly. Designs are created a year in advance to allow for the proper preparations….

Bobby Leach

Bobby Leach had a reputation in England as a circus stuntman. He had attracted attention to himself by announcing the intention of becoming the first person to complete the “triple…

More Daredevil Attempts in Niagara

…subsequent crossings, Calverly skipped rope, hung by one arm, hung by one foot, sat on a chair and used a wheelbarrow.   Charles Percy Charles Percy was the first person

Walter G. Campbell

On September 15th 1888 at approximately 3:20 p.m., nineteen year old Walter Campbell, with some friends and his pet dog, set out along the Niagara River in a small clinker…

The International Railway Bridge

…that made a rail link between Buffalo, New York and Fort Erie, Ontario a necessity. In 1857, the Grand Trunk Railway (Canadian Rail Corporation) proposed the construction of a railway…