Konica Minolta Tower

…Radomat Holdings of Niagara Falls, New York. This company also owned the Raddison Hotel and the Holiday Inn in Niagara Falls, New York. The Minolta Tower remains in service today….

Further Niagara Daredevils

and permission to conduct this stunt was received from the Niagara Parks Commission.   Kenneth W. Lagergren & Charles On October 30th 1977, Kenneth Lagergren and a friend known only…

The Sightseeing Helicopter

…dam. The pilot and two passengers were killed. The pilot was identified as Edward Horning, of East Aurora New York. The dead passengers were Louis Episcopo, and his companion Fillomena…

Cave of the Winds

…major attraction at Niagara Falls. Unfortunately nature, who had created the attraction thousands of years ago, were also responsible for its destruction through water erosion. Major rock falls at Prospect…

Robert Moses Generating Station

…that the construction and operation of the Niagara Power Project would come under the ownership of the New York State Power Authority. In addition this power station, the New York…

The Collision

…Spanish speaking passengers identified as Ana Torredemer Morcet, of Barcelona, Spain, Anna Maria Espinosa Equizabel, of Madrid, Spain, her husband, Carmen Estefania Garcia, and Santiago Grau Carci, of Barcelona, Spain….

Post War of 1812 Development

…a series of streets and building lots for a village he would call “Clifton”. Creighton lived in a house at the Jolley Cut (present end of Robinson Street at Skylon

Muddy Run Creek

…bounded by an area of Lundy’s Lane on the south and the Queen Elizabeth Highway (QEW) on the west. This area was known as Cook’s Bog, a tract of land

Erosion in the Niagara Region

and thawing repeatedly forcing rock to separate and break away. Rock falls that occur expose more weakened and vulnerable rock layers. Instruments were installed on Prospect Point, Luna Island and

Train Stations in Niagara Falls, New York

…Train station was moved into new facilities located at Niagara Street and 4th Street. The new facilities included a large passenger waiting room that had an area of 3,450 square…