The Bridge Street Railway Station

…passenger depot was built of red brick, with a gothic architectural style. It had a two storey centre section and a 30 metre long eastern and western wings branching off…

St. David’s Buried Gorge

and the installation of a large pond. This area of the golf course was built on top of an area of the St. David’s Buried Gorge known as Bowman’s Ravine….

The People Mover Transit System

…or on at any tourist attraction along the way. Without a doubt, the People Mover is the best way to visit the Niagara Parks and its many attractions. A large…

Village of Drummondville

…mason, built All Saints Church on Robinson Street. Between 1814 and 1861, the war of 1812 battlefield at Lundy’s Lane was promoted as a tourist attraction. In addition to the…

The Grand Island Bridges

The North Grand Island Bridge Niagara Falls, New York – Grand Island, New York 1935 – Present The North Grand Island bridge is a twin Truss arch bridge. The first…

The Hydraulic Tunnels of Niagara

Thomas Evershed, a New York State engineer, submitted a plan in 1886 that proposed the acquisition of the generation of 200,000 horsepower at Niagara Falls. Evershed’s plan called for the…

The Wisconsin Glacier (Niagara)

…distinct stages. The early Wisconsin Glacier covered the entire Niagara District and most of the northern North America 65,000 years ago. This glacier remained for a period of approximately 15,000…

Three Sisters Island

…daughters and his infant son. In 1834, the first island closest to Goat Island was still known as Deer Island. The second island became known as Asenath, the third as…

Stamford Township

…had a municipal government. The first town clerk was Ezekiel Woodruff. The first assessors were John Wilson and Benjamin Skinner. The first town wardens were John Wilson and Thomas McMicking….

Peter “Bowser” Nissen

…was 6 metres long with a 1.8 m wide beam and a depth of 1.2 m. Nissen built air compartments into the front, back, and sides of the cockpit, which…