Great Western Railroad

to Burlington Bay. Then in 1845, a grant was given for the London & Gore Railway to expand its rail line to the Detroit River. After this expansion the name…

The Bridge Street Railway Station

…feet from the eastern wing of this train station in a cost cutting move. In addition, the stairway to the second floor was removed. Today, access to this vacant second…

Other Niagara Parks Buildings & Developments

…of the International Railway Company’s assets became the property of the Parks Commission and sold at auction for debt payment. The abandoned railway property allowed the Parks Commission to widen…

Terrapin Point Tower

…staircase led to an even smaller door at the top of this tower, which led to an outside circular balcony guarded by a heavy metal railing. At this balcony, guests…

The Incline Railway Crash

…the top of the gorge to protect passengers using the elevators. They later changed their mind when shelter was necessary to protect tourists from inclement and winter weather. The new…

The Spanish Aero Car

…suspended by six – 2.54 cm steel cables. Each cable is attached to an anchorage at one end while tension is maintained by a 10 ton counterweight at the other…

Konica Minolta Tower

…the tower became known as the Minolta Tower. On January 15th 1993, the Minolta Tower was sold to Radomat Holdings of Niagara Falls, New York. This company also owned the…

Samuel Zimmerman

completed. His estate was bounded by Clifton Hill, the Niagara River, Robinson Street and Ferry Road[Victoria Avenue]. Today this property is owned by HOCO (Harry Oakes Company). In May of…

The Collision

…DeCastro was an experienced pilot and a veteran of the Phillipine Air Force. Following the collision, DeCastro was able to bring his badly damaged aircraft to a safe landing in…

The Wisconsin Glacier (Niagara)

…– 153 meters (400 – 500 feet) above present Lake Ontario, formerly known as Lake Iroquois. As the Glacier retreated, the water levels slowly lowered forming four lakes. These include:…